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Fargo 45101 Premium Black Monochrome Ribbon Kit - 1,000 prints


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Quantity: 1+
Price $49.00

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Order Price: $49.00

Brief Description

Item ID: BNB-FARGO45101

Fargo 45101 premium black resin (K) ribbons are monochrome (1-color) ribbons. The ribbon is housed in an easy-to-use cartridge, which also includes a cleaning roller.

Product Description

Fargo 45101 premium black resin (K) ribbons are monochrome (1-color) ribbons. The ribbon is housed in an easy-to-use cartridge, which also includes a cleaning roller.

Fargo 45101 premium black resin ribbons are primarily used for printing text and one-color line art on one or both sides of a PVC card. If you'll be printing barcodes, a premium resin ribbon like the 45101 is recommended, for bolder, easier-to-read barcodes.

To maintain your Fargo card printer's warranty, genuine Fargo ribbons must be used. Best Name Badges only sells Genuine Fargo 45101 Premium Black Monochrome Resin Ribbon.

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